Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Litigation Nation

The Left has inadvertently created the blocking tactic of ALL blocking tactics.  They have been challenging the legality and claiming criminal illegality of every single action Trump attempts to take in an effort to prevent him from enacting any of his policies and, ultimately, to compile enough actionable material to have him removed from office.  The tactic will never achieve his removal but they do tie up his efforts with stays and holds through injunctions by liberal judges.

Here's the twist though.  Once a Liberal returns to office, the precedent set by this prolonged temper tantrum lays the groundwork for Conservatives to do the exact same thing in retaliation. 

And the bar for impeachment level offenses has been set pretty low.  Republicans could initiate impeachment proceedings for "lying to the American people for failing to act on campaign promises.

For example:  Any assurances that Dems won't come after your guns is a lie.  We know that already but, after the Dem gets in office and starts the gun ban train rolling, Republicans can immediately start Congressional hearings and issue subpoenas for any official who was recorded by the media saying there would be no such confiscation and use that to show that they told a lie.  Lying is bad, you see.  Lying is a high crime/misdemeanor for which a President can be impeached.

Apply this system to any act not strictly legal or any action that could be perceived as immoral.  Any action that could be said to harm the American people or America itself, such as banning coal mining, or reducing the defense budget or forcing a citizen to pay into a healthcare system that murders unborn children can be said to be treasonous... to be harmful to Americans... ANOTHER ground for impeachment. 

This is a Pandora's box of litigation strangulation that will eat its creators.

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