Wednesday, October 16, 2019
A Female 007 Film as the Latest Plank in the Female Empowerment Platform
For decades, women's publications and societal norms have filled females heads with unrealistic notions of what women are, can do, should be and what to strive for. This is part of a PC trend of girl-power media products designed to take that unrealistic ideal in a whole new direction. I first noticed it as a trend with films like "Thelma and Louise""Sucker Punch" and "Girl Fight." It's progressed through films like "Captain Marvel" and now this Jane Bond 007 project. I'm not claiming it's any more wrong than the ideals of thin-ness, having-it-all career AND motherhood, or great hair. I just think it sends an equally unrealistic message that girls are going to have limitless lives. Some will... but most will live what Henry David Thoreau called "lives of quiet desperation." All this kind of messaging does is put a magical land of wonder on the far shore of an impassable sea so that it taunts and beckons but is beyond reach. For every girl who manages to swim that sea, thousands more drown. Millions more never wade in. Is it right to make them into Diane Quixotes? Is it right to deceive them into believing they can dream the impossible dream? Is it noble and romantic even though it's dangerously unrealistic?
The Litigation Nation
The Left has inadvertently created the blocking tactic of ALL blocking tactics. They have been challenging the legality and claiming criminal illegality of every single action Trump attempts to take in an effort to prevent him from enacting any of his policies and, ultimately, to compile enough actionable material to have him removed from office. The tactic will never achieve his removal but they do tie up his efforts with stays and holds through injunctions by liberal judges.
Here's the twist though. Once a Liberal returns to office, the precedent set by this prolonged temper tantrum lays the groundwork for Conservatives to do the exact same thing in retaliation.
And the bar for impeachment level offenses has been set pretty low. Republicans could initiate impeachment proceedings for "lying to the American people for failing to act on campaign promises.
For example: Any assurances that Dems won't come after your guns is a lie. We know that already but, after the Dem gets in office and starts the gun ban train rolling, Republicans can immediately start Congressional hearings and issue subpoenas for any official who was recorded by the media saying there would be no such confiscation and use that to show that they told a lie. Lying is bad, you see. Lying is a high crime/misdemeanor for which a President can be impeached.
Apply this system to any act not strictly legal or any action that could be perceived as immoral. Any action that could be said to harm the American people or America itself, such as banning coal mining, or reducing the defense budget or forcing a citizen to pay into a healthcare system that murders unborn children can be said to be treasonous... to be harmful to Americans... ANOTHER ground for impeachment.
This is a Pandora's box of litigation strangulation that will eat its creators.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Sacred Cows as Messengers
The Dems have rolled out the sacred classes to level their accusations. Society holds sacred and inviolate Victimized Women, Frightened Children and now Noble Whistleblowers. The intent is that their accusations won't come under scrutiny or criticism because we are supposed to believe them automatically and without hesitation. Clever trick but Conservatives see through it and go after these "crisis actors."
Monday, July 15, 2019
The Race Card
Instead of lamenting the incorrect, knee-jerk use of the race card and wanting people to stop doing it... perhaps we should refuse to acknowledge when it's played?
When it's thrown on the table just ignore it. That's what Trump is doing.
When it's thrown on the table just ignore it. That's what Trump is doing.
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
I was talking to a guy the other day and he relayed this to me, which I found very insightful:
When a baby is born, its mother bonds with it. She often will remark that she fell in love with him/her the moment she held him/her. The smell, the warmth, the trembling fragility of a new baby generates a deep maternal resonance in mothers. For fathers it's different. When he first holds his child..... When he first sees his wife cradling his son/daughter.... He bonds too. But it manifests itself differently. He feels a powerful upwelling of protectiveness. He thinks (often subconsciously), "I will KILL anyone who gets too close. I will murder anyone who tries to harm them." Men often remark that they feel "on-guard" in the room with their new mother and baby.
Men and women are both parents. Both feel love and protectiveness. But for each, the reactions to a new baby can be quite different. I'm a step-parent myself so I can't speak from experience. Maybe it's different for different parents. But this guy's insight into parental bonding was very interesting.... anthropologically speaking.
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