Thursday, October 26, 2017

My Favorite Authors Based on Their Books I've Read

   I have kept a logbook of every book I’ve read going back as long as I can remember.  It totals 401 so far.  Transferred it to an Excel spreadsheet several years ago and can manipulate the data.  Sorting by author name, I like, in order of number of books I’ve read by the author:

Stephen King: 60
Arthur C. Clarke: 16
Clive Barker: 13
Frank Herbert: 10
Michael Creighton: 8

   To be sure, there are books I’m crazy about that are the only book written by that author.  Or, as in the case of Tom Clancy, I like a few of his books very much but did not like the rest.  Chuck Palahniuk falls into this category, as does William F. Nolan.  Keith Laumer’s “Bolo” series rates high as well.
   Many will say that I should have read an equal number of Dean Koontz if I like Stephen King.  I say they are not similar writers.  King appeals to me consistently and I am one of his “Constant Readers” whereas Koontz is hit and miss so I give much of his work a pass.
   Also; I read the Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe and H.P. Lovecraft in one huge bite so they are favorites but rate only one book each.
   And the always favorite “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee stands alone.

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