Monday, November 24, 2014

The rise of homophilia

For every use of the word "homophobe" I will also try to use the word "homophile."  Homophobe is thrown at anyone who might dare to take even the smallest issue with even the tiniest aspect of the LGBT agenda.  The opposite is also true of those who would embrace any aspect of that same agenda without any criticism or scrutiny whatsoever.  Just as an Anglophile can't shut up about all things British or a Bibliophile goes on endlessly about how good old books smell or how e-book readers are for morons.  It's the same with Homophiles.  They love all things Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender.  Their dialog seems centered only around that aspect of their lives.  It influences their fashion choices, grooming standards and home décor.  They assess potential friends by that criteria first.  They seem eternally to be searching for gay-friendly things and railing against homophobes.  Just like I get sick of looking at a guy's collection of pub glasses from all over the U.K.... I also get sick of hearing about how a guy you know didn't get a job because the interviewer seemed to have a problem with him talking about his "husband."  Maybe the umpteenth time you try to invite my family back to the Gay Pride parade and we don't want to go is because I had to spend the entire ride back last time trying to explain to my child why that one man had a dog leash tied to his winkie and was letting another man lead him down the street with it.  Or having my wife look on in horrified shock when she answered a woman's proposition that she "Come on over to our side." by saying, "But I thought people were born this way?  Now you're trying to recruit me?"  Then getting cussed out for being a homophobe and bigot.

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