Wednesday, October 16, 2019

A Female 007 Film as the Latest Plank in the Female Empowerment Platform

For decades, women's publications and societal norms have filled females heads with unrealistic notions of what women are, can do, should be and what to strive for.  This is part of a PC trend of girl-power media products designed to take that unrealistic ideal in a whole new direction.  I first noticed it as a trend with films like "Thelma and Louise""Sucker Punch" and "Girl Fight."  It's progressed through films like "Captain Marvel" and now this Jane Bond 007 project.  I'm not claiming it's any more wrong than the ideals of thin-ness, having-it-all career AND motherhood, or great hair.  I just think it sends an equally unrealistic message that girls are going to have limitless lives.  Some will... but most will live what Henry David Thoreau called "lives of quiet desperation."  All this kind of messaging does is put a magical land of wonder on the far shore of an impassable sea so that it taunts and beckons but is beyond reach.  For every girl who manages to swim that sea, thousands more drown.  Millions more never wade in.  Is it right to make them into Diane Quixotes?  Is it right to deceive them into believing they can dream the impossible dream?  Is it noble and romantic even though it's dangerously unrealistic?

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