Our fatigue pants have a drawstring in the cuff that makes this easier and more secure. Don't want the pant legs coming untucked. Occasionally though, the drawstring slips out and we call that a boot snake.
I was in the latrine after lunch; having just finished my business, when I glanced down and saw a boot snake. I bent over and tried to tuck it back under the elastic band but it would not cooperate. I began muttering to myself, "Dang you... c'mon! Get in there. I mean it. Can't walk around with you hanging out." I finally succeeded in getting the string tucked back in and the boot blouser band gave an audible "thwack" as it snapped back. I opened the stall and was heading to the sinks to wash my hands when I noticed two gentleman watching me; hands motionless in the act of drying their hands with paper towels. I stared blankly back for a few moments then realization dawned on me that they heard my muttered comments earlier. I tried to think of some funny remark but decided to just go. Sometimes all you can do is just go.